Costa Rica 2020 - Plants and trees |
Garden spider-flower (Cleoserrata speciosa), San Jose |
Maybe Brazil's White Angel Trumpet (Brugmansia suaveolens), San Jose |
Maybe Brazil's White Angel Trumpet, San Jose |
Bougainvillea sp., the plant giving name to the hotel |
A partly collapsed Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii), San Jose |
Hanging Lobster Claw (Heliconia rostrata), San Jose |
Guarianthe skinneri, an orchid, and the national flower of Costa Rica. Called Purple Country Girl or Guaria Morada in Spanish, San Jose |
Most likely a Trumpet Tree (Cecropia sp.), San Jose |
Bromeliad species, maybe a Guzmania lingulata, San Jose |
Blushing Bromeliad (Neoregelia carolinae), San Jose. Native to Brazil and typically grown as a houseplant |
Probably Bulbine frutescens, San Jose. In case, a non-Costa-rican species |
The orchid Fringe-Lipped Dendrobium (Dendrobium fimbriatum), San Jose |
Fringe-Lipped Dendrobium, San Jose |
Probably Hortensia (Hydrangea macrophylla), San Jose |
Probably Giant Crinum Lily (Crinum asiaticum), San Jose |
Red Ginger (Alpinia purpurata), San Jose |
Maybe the fruits of the Milky Way Tree (Tabernaemontana litoralis), San Jose |
Acalypha hispida, the Chenille Plant, San Jose |
A thorny tree, maybe the Pachote Tree (Pachira quinata), San Jose |
Duckweed (Lemna sp.), San Jose |
Maybe Dotleaf Waterlily (Nymphaea ampla), San Jose |
Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia sp.), San Jose |
Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia sp.), San Jose |
Flame Vine (Pyrostegia venusta), San Jose |
Flame Vine (orange). Native to Brazil–Argentina, cultivated in many tropical and subtropical areas worldwide |
Blue Ginger (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora), San Jose |
African Arrowroot (Canna indica), San Jose |
Probably Pink Poui (Tabebuia rosea), San Jose |
Pink Poui, San Jose |
Maybe the Singapore Graveyard Flower (Plumeria obtusa), San Jose |
Tufted Air Plant bromeliad, maybe Guzmania sp.? San Jose |
Red Hot Poker Tree (Erythrina abyssinica), San Jose |
Maybe Expanded Lobsterclaw (Heliconia latispatha)? San Jose |
Golden Plume, maybe Schaueria calicotricha, San Jose |
Maybe a Talipariti elatum, San Jose |
Maybe the Provision Tree (Pachira aquatica)? San Jose |
Chinese-lantern (Abutilon pictum), San Jose |
Shaving-brush-tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum), San Jose |
Interesting form! Shaving-brush-tree, San Jose |
Maybe Mexican Bluebell (Ruellia simplex), San Jose |
Bromeliad plant, San Jose |
Rainforest vegetation pattern, Tortuguero |
Torch Ginger (Etlingera elatior), Guapiles. Native to Southeast Asia |
Rainforest in Tortuguero National Park |
Buttress root of a big tree in the Tortuguero National Park rainforest |
Rainforest trees, Tortuguero National Park |
Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), Tortuguero National Park |
Could be a Calathea Plant (Calathea warscewiczii), Tortuguero National Park |
Trumpet Tree (Cecropia obtusifolia)? With a Palm Tanager, Tortuguero National Park |
Heliconia species, maybe Heliconia wagneriana? Tortuguero |
Red Ginger (Alpinia purpurata), Tortuguero. Native to Malaysia |
Banana, Tortuguero |
Hanging Lobster Claw (Heliconia rostrata), Tortuguero |
Opened coconut |
A fern and a bromeliad? Tortuguero National Park |
According to the guide, a Morning Glory, probably Asystasia gangetica, Tortuguero National Park |
Canal vegetation, Tortuguero National Park |
A bromeliad, maybe Aechmea nudicaulis, Tortuguero National Park |
A vine in Tortuguero National Park |
Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana, commonly called the Coligallo Palm (I think), Tortuguero |
Maybe Sunset Bells (Chrysothemis pulchella), Tortuguero |
Carambola, or Star Fruit, is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola, Tortuguero |
Could be the Star of Bethlehem (Hippobroma longiflora), Tortuguero |
A climbing vine in Tirimbina Nature Reserve |
Maybe Hawaiian Wood-rose (Merremia tuberosa), Tirimbina Nature Reserves |
Powder-puff Plant (Calliandra sp.)? Tirimbina Nature Reserve |
Tirimbina Nature Reserve |
Maybe Aphelandra scabra, Tirimbina Nature Reserves |
Fabaceae species, Tirimbina Nature Reserves |
Tree Orchid, Selva Verde Nature Reserve |
Shaving Brush Tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum), Tortuguero |
A Scarlet-rumped Tanager in a Powder-puff Plant, Maquenque Ecol |
Water Snowflake (Nymphoides indica), Maquenque Ecolodge |
Primrose-willow, Water-purslane, Water-primrose (Ludwigia sedioides), Maquenque Ecolodge |
Ferns and bromeliads, Maquenque Ecolodge |
King Kong Heliconia (Heliconia vellerigera), La Fortuna |
Orchid, could be another Guarianthe skinneri, La Fortuna |
Air plant bromeliad (Tilandsia sp.), Caño Negro |
Maybe Brazilian Red-cloak (Megaskepasma erythrochlamys), La Fortuna |
Maybe Singapore Gold (Sanchezia nobilis), La Fortuna |
Could be the flower of the Pachote Tree (Pachira quinata), Caño Negro |
No idea, really, Pl@antNet suggests Couroupita nicaraguensis. Caño Negro |
Maybe the palm Attalea rostrata, Caño Negro |
Hummingbird Bush (Hamelia patens), La Fortuna |
Bromeliad air plants in Caño Negro |
Bamboo Orchid (Arundina graminifolia), Maquenque Ecolodge |
Bamboo Orchid (Arundina graminifolia), La Fortuna |
Cream Garland-lily (Hedychium flavescens), a non-native species, La Fortuna |
A Bananaquit feeding on a Blue Porterweed (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis), La Fortuna |
Maybe Bronze-leaved Clerodendrum (Clerodendrum quadriloculare). In case, a non-native species, La Fortuna |
Coral Porterweed (Stachytarpheta mutabilis), La Fortuna |
Lollipop Plant (Pachystachys lutea), La Fortuna |
Sore-mouth Bush (Psychotria poeppigiana). La Fortuna. The common name of this flower is Hot Lips / Hooker's Lips, or even more vulgar names ... |
Maybe Parakeet Flower (Heliconia psittacorum), La Fortuna |
Heliconia species (Heliconia sp.), La Fortuna |
Coffee (Cofea arabica), La Fortuna |
Strangler Fig (Ficus sp.), Monteverde Cloud Forest |
Tree Fern (family Cyatheaceae), Monteverde Cloud Forest |
Wet vegetation, Monteverde Cloud Forest |
Ferns. With about 2500 plant species in the Monteverde Cloud Forest, it is hard to correctly name them! |
Mushroom, Monteverde Cloud Forest |
Drymonia conchocalyx, Monteverde Cloud Forest |
Lichen in Monteverde Cloud Forest |
A bromeliad in the Monteverde Cloud Forest |
Tufted Airplant (Guzmania nicaraguensis), A bromeliad in the Monteverde Cloud Forest |
A Trumpet Tree (Cecropia sp.), Monteverde Cloud Forest |
Pepper (Piper sp.), Monteverde Cloud Forest |
Maybe a Boraginaceae, or perhaps a Ruellia sp. (no idea, really), Cerro Lodge |
Peacock Flower (Caesalpinia pulcherrima), Cerro Lodge |
Unknown plant, Cerro Lodge Entrance Road |
An escapee, the Hibiscus flower (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), Cerro Lodge Entrance Road |
Maybe Poui (Handroanthus sp.), Cerro Lodge |
Maybe Gumbo-Limbo (Bursera simaruba), Cerro Lodge Entrance Road |
Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera), Cerro Lodge Entrance Road |
Pl@ntNet suggests Ixora coccinea, Cerro Lodge |