Missed a few animal species I hoped to find, but with a total of 44 mammalian (and the croc, tortoise and gecko), the trip was OK compared to my FIVE earlier African safaris. All these mammals are easily identifiable, maybe expect for the hyraxes seen from a distance and where there is no ID documentation photos.
T = Tarangire, S = Serengeti, N = Ngorongoro, B = Bagamoyo (coast, including Sadaani NP)
Common name
Latin name
1 |
Baboon - Olive |
Papio anubis |
T, S |
2 |
Baboon - Yellow |
B |
3 |
Buffalo - Cape |
Syncerus caffer caffer |
T, S ,N |
4 |
Bushbaby - Greater (night drive + coast) |
Galago crassicaudatus |
S |
5 |
Bushbaby - Zanzibar |
Galagoides zanzibaricus udzungwensis |
B |
6 |
Bushbuck - Imbabala |
Tragelaphus scriptus |
N |
7 |
Cheetah - Tanzanian |
Acinonyx jubatus raineyii |
S |
8 |
Dikdik - Kirk's |
Madoqua kirkii |
T, S |
9 |
Eland - East African |
Taurotragus oryx pattersonianus |
S |
10 |
Elephant - African Bush |
Loxodonta africana |
T, S, N |
11 |
Fox - Bat-Eared (night drive) |
Otocyon megalotis virgatus |
S |
12 |
Gazelle - Grant's |
Gazella granti |
S, N |
13 |
Gazelle - Thompson |
Gazella thomsonii |
S, N |
14 |
Genet - Common (night drive) |
Genetta genetta |
S |
15 |
Giraffe - Masai |
Giraffa tippelskirchi |
T, S |
16 |
Hare - Cape (night drive) |
Lepus capensis |
S, N |
17 |
Hartebeest - Coke´s |
Alcelaphus buselaphus |
S, N |
18 |
Hippopotamus - East African |
Hippopotamus amphibius kiboko |
S, N, B |
19 |
Hyena - Spotted |
Crocuta crocuta |
S, N |
20 |
Hyrax - Rock |
Procavia capensis |
S |
21 |
Hyrax - Yellow-Spotted Rock |
Heterohyrax brucei |
T, S |
22 |
Hyrax - Eastern Tree |
Dendrohyrax validus |
S |
23 |
Impala - Common |
Aepyceros melampus melampus |
T, S |
24 |
Jackal - Black-backed |
Canis mesomelas |
S, N |
25 |
Jackal - Golden |
Canis aureus |
N |
26 |
Leopard - African |
Panthera pardus pardus |
S |
27 |
Lion - Masai |
Panthera leo nubica |
T, S, N |
28 |
Mongoose - Banded |
Mungos mungo |
S, B |
29 |
Mongoose - Dwarf |
Helogale parvula |
T, S |
30 |
Mongoose - Egyptian |
Herpestes ichneumon |
S |
31 |
Mongoose - White-Tailed (night drive) |
Ichneumia albicauda |
S |
32 |
Mongoose - Slender |
Galerella sanguinea |
B |
33 |
Monkey - Vervet |
Cercopithecus aethiops |
T, S |
34 |
Reedbuck - Bohor |
Redunca redunca |
T, S |
35 |
Rhino - Northern Black |
Diceros bicornis michaeli |
N |
36 |
Shrew - Elephant |
Macroscelidae |
S |
37 |
Springhare - East African (night drive) |
Pedetes surdaster |
S |
38 |
Squirrel - Unstriped Ground |
Xerus rutilus |
T |
39 |
Steenbok |
Raphicerus campestris naumanni |
S |
40 |
Topi |
Damaliscus lunatus |
S |
41 |
Warthog |
Phacochoerus aethiopicus |
T, S, N |
42 |
Waterbuck - Common |
Kobus ellipsiprymnus |
T |
43 |
Wildebeest - White-Bearded |
Connochaetus taurinus |
T, S, N |
44 |
Zebra - Grant's |
Equus quagga boehmi |
T, S, N |
45 |
Crocodile - Nile |
Crocodylus niloticus |
S, B |
46 |
Tortoise - Leopard |
S |
47 |
Gecko - Tropical House |
Hemidactylus mabouia |
B |